Case Study


In an increasingly competitive landscape, we partnered with expert recruiters at Cameron-Brooks to better identify and drive interest among a targeted audience of Junior Military Officers looking to make a transition from their military roles to a career in business.

A series of people waiting in a waiting room. One of them stands out because they are wearing army fatigues.

The Challenge

Cameron-Brooks pioneered the military-to-business career coaching model and brings more than 50 years of experience to their corporate partnerships and JMO coaching practice. Their success lies in their tested, intensely hands-on approach to matching business roles and companies with individual JMOs looking to leverage their military experience and expertise in a corporate business role. Cameron-Brooks turned to Town Hall to help audit and improve candidate identification and engagement through CRM and paid campaign strategy and implementation.

What We Did

  • Qualified Lead Generation Strategy
  • Media Planning & Buying
  • Website & UX
  • CRM clean up, optimization, maintenance

The Approach

Our first step was to align marketing objectives with business strategy by focusing marketing channels and internal resources on driving quality leads. We focused our media strategy on paid search and implemented an aggressive test and learn plan to quickly identify behaviors that indicated “high intent” candidates, optimizing search campaigns weekly to continually focus budget on best performing placements. Where previous campaigns had offered lower-commitment actions, such as PDF downloads, we focused on driving candidates to fill out a Personal Marketability Assessment (PMA) form, which triggers a phone call from a Cameron-Brooks recruiter. Additionally, we implemented design and UX updates to encourage higher form completion rates.

Our team restructured the paid search campaigns into brand and non-brand groups to implement different optimizations for each type of query, evaluated all historical keywords and ad copy to remove inefficient and ineffective assets that were not driving PMA form fills, and focused geotargeting in states and international countries hosting active U.S. military bases.

Rounding out our initial activities, we audited Cameron-Brooks’ Active Campaign CRM instance and designed a prioritized implementation plan focused on supporting high-quality lead generation and down-funnel lead nurturing. These activities included API integrations, list consolidation and hygiene, building and executing a new tagging schema, workflow automation audit and edits, setting up lead life cycle attribution, and enhancing reporting capabilities.

The Impact

Cameron-Brooks saw a 30.88% increase in qualified PMA form submissions, and the recruitment team is spending much less time attempting to connect with unqualified leads that are not interested in an immediate discussion. Additionally, cost per PMA form submission decreased 38% quarter over quarter, delivering a greater return on the same amount of monthly media investment.


increase in overall PMA form submissions QoQ


increase in qualified (in-funnel) leads QoQ


decrease in cost per PMA form submission QoQ