Thought Leadership
A Letter From Our Leadership: Managing Director Katryn Geane Crawford
Welcome back to the Town Hall Bulletin! Thank you for taking a break in your day to read our thoughts, and thank you to the new subscribers who’ve joined in the last few weeks – we’re glad you’re here.
Since we’re about a month out from Thanksgiving, some of you may be searching for the perfect turkey brining recipe, but your friends who work at or with nonprofit organizations have something else on their minds: End Of Year.
End of year is the time when it ‘all comes together’ and our ongoing focus on audience engagement and relationship building pays off–literally when it comes to EOY fundraising, and figuratively as it pertains to working together seamlessly to execute impactful campaigns. #GivingTuesday through December 31st is a time of great excitement and opportunity … and frequently refreshing our data dashboards.
Our colleagues in Higher Education also have something besides parades and dog shows on the brain: application deadlines and the brief pause before the start of yield season. For programs with November or December app deadlines, these teams are gearing up developing compelling video content as well as digital and in person experiences — all in support of making their strongest pitches encouraging students to join their communities.
Jordan mentioned “fresh start dates” last month, those moments that offer us a chance to change our routines. I’m all for a fresh start (and Capricorn season), but I also remind myself and encourage the team to reflect on the great work that we’ve done together, the new things we’ve learned this year, and the relationships we’ve built. Next year is coming, but first, I’m excited to ‘leave it all on the field’ in support of our incredible partnerships and campaigns.
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